Spiritual Health & Cannabis Psychotherapy


An MD, PhD, clinician, researcher, presenter, activist and student of life, Dr. Aggarwal redefines the profession of Medical Doctor by including and encouraging Spiritual Health into his holistic model of health. We go deep into how cannabis is effective as a spiritual and psychological medicine. Also, Dr. Aggarwal’s activism around fear-reduction and racism in the medical cannabis industry. This is a powerful and important episode.

Forbes Interview with Dr. Aggarwal: How Cannabis Coevolved With Humanity, And Could Save It Now

Find Dr. Aggarwal's Published Papers on His Site: http://www.cannabinologist.org

Follow Dr. Aggarwal on Socials:

Twitter: @humansunil

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aimsinstitutepllc

Instagram: @aimsinstituteseattle


How To Use Cannabis Safely


Breeding Cannabis & Success